Channel: September 2007 – Perception is Truth
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An evening to write home about


These posts are archives of forum / blog entries I made on my EverQuest guild website. The website won’t be around forever, and I wanted the posts all in one place so I didn’t lose them, this blog seemed like as good a place as any.

Our third trip to Anguish, and this time it didn’t crash, yay. Keldovan was no worry, but Jelvan, ah sweet Jelvan why do you always need to be rescued. This event is on the edge of TNF’s comfort zone. We know we can beat it, but we know it can beat us as well, we went into this event 1 win for 3 tries (1 wipe following by a win, followed by a wipe two weeks later followed by a zone crash which stopped us trying again).

I’m sure those of you who’ve raided with me know that I never get over-excited and I never shout in rsay, ever. No really, I’m calm and relaxed and in control at all times.

We beat the Jelvan event – but it took us 20 minutes, and it included these phrases in rsay,

I want to see you pull this out of the hat
if you can rez – go rez someone
stay alive we can beat these two *****
you want a story to tell your kids about?

I’ve never been more proud of the TNF force than when we rescued Jelvan. We did indeed pull it out of the hat, it was an incredible recovery. No one gave up, we never accepted defeat. We beat that event through force of will and determination and you deserve the loot that dropped.

We nailed Ture and Hanvar on a high and we took on the Arch Magus Vangl for only our second attempt – and he died in 3 minutes 59 seconds with about two deaths. Disdain, pure disdain for his AE’s.

Which meant the wall came up on the Overlord Mata Muram for the first time in TNF’s raid history.

It would have been rude not to play with him. None of us were sure how it would go, TNF has proven us wrong time after time, and we’d just nailed AMV like he was an Orc Pawn. But alas, we had too much to learn about the encounter, and at around 80% the Overlord had his way with our raid, and we died, laughing.

An astoundingly good Anguish raid – for me personally, one of the most memorable raids in my EQ history, and certainly one of the most fun as member or co-leader. Next week, back to the Gates of Discord and the Benny Hill Event. But the Overlord shouldn’t rest easy, TNF will be back, and we’ve got his measure.

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